Mutual Aid Request
Help a latinx lesbian out of the gig economy! I'm a dog walker. I've had the flu (w/ no insur)= too many days not making $ this month. Please help me eat so I can apply for other jobs.
I'm hoping to raise $50 for gas and food this week. Even $5 will help me pay for a meal. I will post updates until $50 is met. Thank you, truly. This is how gays survive. Boosts appreciated <3 #mutualaid
Venmo: amelia_leviosa
Cash App: $hamsterpower
@mawr [extremely Gwen Stefani voice] ~this shit is 🅱🍍~
We have too many doomsday acclerationists and oppurtunists calling themselves revolutionaries, proping themselves up as the ones with the solutions. And one of their solutions is, “‘Lets let marginalized people die and be silenced until we find the right kind of marginalized people to use in our eventual victory parade.”
If your leftism is a prophecy and not a process, get the fuck away from me.
18 and over only please.
Struggling with a lot of stuff.