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drugs, Arizona legal protection, positive 

Sweet. On Monday I'm officially protected from job discrimination based on possession or use of cannabis. Arizona protections for Medical Marijuana card holders, ahoy!

Fuck drug tests, seriously. Glad this protection exists.

EEEEEEEEE!!!!! I cooked something for once! AND IT TURNED OUT GREAT! EEEEEEE~~~~

And even my wingsister and her mate like it! ^^

My attempt to replicate the Chicken Teriyaki I used to nom a bunch in Seattle!

Well since I'm now out here in desertland, I need to find some more snoots to boop locally, too. I just gotta figure out how to go about doin' thaaaaat

Time for some more positivity.

One lesson I've learned in life that's been helpful is to set a destination... but don't make getting there the end all be all. Travel the road, take the side paths, explore, take in the sights, and enjoy the journey and just take it one day at a time.

If you keep going, you'll get there in time so there's no rush to get to that one destination, take solace in that. And hey, maybe you'll even find somewhere that feels more right along the way. ^^

Bird doodle for practice today. Sans feathers cuz need to do a study on those...

Time for happies and art!

Done for Zougui on Draconity(dot)org! ^^

Derpy Dragon Brain Problems 

I got up from my chair to turn around so I could readjust my tail to be on the left instead of the right, then remembered I don't physically have the tail. Would this be Hashtag otherkin problems? Can that be a thing? I wonder...

I hate not being able to help everyone... but sometimes I have to realize I can't help someone if they refuse to help themselves.

I used to be like that and now I realize the futility of that fight.

Remember to take time today to congratulate yourself for everything you've accomplished. ^^

For those out here struggling with something, something that feels like there's no solution or cure... I understand, maybe not the situation but how it feels far too well... but keep trying!

Don't surrender to it!

There is a cure, there is a solution somewhere, just keep fighting and one day you'll find it! Just sometimes it can take longer than we'd like.

Have hope, don't give up, and know I believe in you! ^^

Anxiety, cannabis, discussion, generally positive as hell! 

Of all the things that solved the majority of my problems, it was the one thing I was always warned about the 'dangers' of: Cannabis.

I was always warned about it being a gateway, that it was some big demon that would destroy my life and prevent me from being successful or happy. It would lead me to abusing it, becoming a hollow person. This is still repeated by the media, by the general population...

Hell, even my ex mate was concerned about me using it because I used to abuse alcohol years ago... And to an extent smoke weed every day when I was younger. To be fair, these concerns specifically were valid about using something as escapism, so I can't fault that...

But then I started to use it daily to cope with some emotional shit... and after about a month or two of that... I stopped. For a whole week. Then I started to feel my anxiety creeping back up and realized something. I had no anxiety when I was high... nor for a good while after I had quit. It slowly began to creep back, but not as intense as before.

So I began to experiment, trying small doses of THC:CBD 1:1's, and then my anxiety would just be gone for... 2 days?

Speed up to today, I just need to smoke or take an edible a couple of times a week, and my anxiety stays away entirely.

I'm now generally happy. I have been clothes shopping, I feel happy about my appearance. My mind feels clear, I can feel a wider range of emotions and overall... I feel better as a person. I'm -happy-. I still have moments, but we all do. that's part of having emotions... but overall I feel GOOD. My anxiety is just.... utterly gone. Mind you what I'm describing here is the majority of the time when I'm not high.

All it takes is a bit of cannabis for me here and there, and its done more to help me control the anxiety than the emotional deadening SSRIs I was put on (that we had to stop because of emotional deadening. x.-.x) with the worst side effect being I run out of snacks and have an otherwise fun night gaming and chatting with friends.

So is cannabis a magical cure all? No. But, for me, it fucking helped more than most things and I am going to be happy as fuck about that. Because holy shit I can actually LIVE life and not just live anxiety. It's fucking glorious.

Woo, interview tomorrow! Here's hoping it goes well. ^^

True friends are the friends that believe in you and continue to be there, no matter how rough things get. The ones who even as you make mistakes, they realize you learn from them. They wait for you to return if you go off for a while to take time to yourself or to explore new things.

Cherish those friends, remember to always thank them for being there, appreciate them, and love them like they do you.

Thank you to my friends and everyone else, too. ^^

Otherkin, phantom limbs 

Trying to sleep.

Phantom limbs: Mind if we wake up now? cool! Party time!

Drugs, memory issues 

A bit related to my post way earlier... Been having trouble with memory a little bit. Some just seem to be fuzzy and not sure what's up. I'm wondering if its related to my nightly smoking or not, and debating if I should cut back or if it'll fix itself...

Modeled then printed a stylus pen holder! 3D Printer again borrowed from a good friend, thank you! ^^

Being able to not just create 3d models but make them tangible has really increased my drive for making art again

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