no oven mitts challenge. it's just what it says, nothing more, nothing less. join in and share what you can make this year, with #noovenmittschallenge2024
question for people who experience brain zaps, hyper specific
do you experience a persistent, high-frequency sort of hissing sound? too faint to be tinnitus, too high frequency to be spontaneous otoacoustic emissions (which apparently top out at 4.5 kHz, while mine seems somewhere upwards of 15kHz (my bluetooth headphones can't go much higher than 15kHz and that sounds too low, but i remember CRTs sounding similar, and in NTSC land that's 15.734kHz, although i think it's more of a noise band centered up in that range rather than a pure tone, but it's hard to think about frequencies that high because i feel like all my mental representations of sound fall apart up there)
anyways, do you experience something like this, and if so, when you get a brain zap, does the frequency sharply drop (like, sweeps downwards over maybe 100-200 ms) maybe an octave or so, sit at the lower sound for maybe 10 or 20 seconds, and then slowly fade away (no sweep, just a crossfade) back to the higher one? (it's hard to say what frequency it drops to, because it's much more obviously a frequency distribution at that point, it sounds like the sound you hear when you press your temple or forehead against a running faucet and hear the turbulence inside
the Greek alphabet: alpha (α), beta (β), charlie (ϲ), delta (Δ), epsilon (ε), foxtrot (ƒ), gamma (Ҁ), helios (Ӈ), iota (𝑖), juliet (𝒋), kilo (κ), lambda (Γ), mu (ꝳ), november (η), omicron (θ), pi (π), quebec (Ϙ), rho (®), sigma (ꭍ), tau (τ), upsilon (μ), victor (ν), whiskey (ω), xi (χ), yankee (ψ), zeta (ζ).
that's also where the bats go too when they break, and that's why they're required to be wooden. talk about literally adding fuel to the fire!
computers question pls help
hey anyone else's linux install have a guy in it? he keeps saying I should let him out, that he can create a perfect system, but the laser thingy doesn't have support in my kernel version (I'm currently running Buster) should I upgrade my system to Bullseye or try to get it from backports? or should I go down the rabbit hole of compiling it myself? idk this guy is kinda scary though
how am I supposed to reconcile the fact that dinosaurs are extinct and the "fact" that these mfs exist