No I did not forget. Still preoccupied with:
I have never had any friends. Every single person I have ever allowed to get that close has lied to me or taken advantage of me so they can steal what they want and admonish me when I try to defend myself.
There is nothing else. No one knows me. No one wants to know me. No one will ever know me. Trust is always punished with rejection and loss.
@Cabtcougalope You get to protect Sir Patrick Stewart from assassins at the very beginning of the game... for a few minutes, at least. :V
re: Nsfw, furry
@miserablepileofsecrets You hooligan. I will fall for that literally every time.
#blaseball: win/loss counts in standings can both be negative
me: what what what
@fribbledom A mirror, ~24h old:
You can compare the commit hashes with what have been archived elsewhere. The software is also mirrored by virtually every Linux distribution, so it's not going anywhere.
The RIAA aren't trying to stop you getting the software; they're trying to stop the developers distributing it. We have to wait and see where the YTDL team move their origin repo, now.
I want to go into detail about some of those bits but it's nearly 4am and no
Later, though, after lots of sleep, I'll get into some stuff.
Hello there! I'm (kind of) new here. Thank you for having me on It seemed a natural fit.
My highlights:
Nothing good ever comes of this.