@KirinAW "But I contribute to a charity..."
"...Which outsources almost everything to various companies of yours. Sorry, doesn't count either."
@KirinAW They famously despise handouts, so while everyone else becomes an inhuman hottie, they can just keep being mediocre humans.
@IsDaGany @owashii@plush.city He totally is! 😃❤️😘
@IsDaGany @owashii@plush.city Oooohhh wow!
Kink: transformation
@flesh Only if they want to of course. I just imagine it’d make for a fun sensual transformation.
re: Landlord (~-)
@Phorm I'm sorry.
re: Kink: brainwashing
@flesh Weird sex stuff, betterment of self... Either is great by me. I don't judge.
Programmer, lover of transformation and BIG cuties, lewd, kinky, affectionate.
Plural, otherkin, fluid.