From birdsite
feeling suer lethargic lately and pretty much tired of everything. have some otachi femboobs I just slapped ome inks on. #Otachi #PacificRim
@MillennialDog Updog and Downcat are just quark fursonas. Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise.
@tahajin The others are Topwolf, Bottomlion, Charmlynx and Strangejackal.
... Strangejackal is just me, isn't it.
@chimerror if someone tries to suggest underscores they get snaked
so "NESmaker" came out (one of those game development tools for non-programmers) and there's a thread on nesdev asking if people are worried about it bringing "lazy noobs" to the scene
which is a thing you could apply to, like, literally any software ever made? the whole point of programs is to make it easier to do things. "uhhhhh more people should make NES homebrew but it should also be completely impenetrable to most people who don't enjoy programming like it's the 1980s"
Furry gamesmith