fucking god damn do i look like an entitled piece of shit but no we're jist another victim of the wheel of capitalism.
gofundme up later, right now if anyone can help with this £112 internet bill to at least stablise things, heres PayPal
so my first proper vlog is up! and it's about... #mastodon!
as ever comments on the actual video appreciated - and shares offsite too, so we can try and bring more people over ^^
If you're a trans person, and you are worried that your body type isn't right or that you don't look like the cis people of your gender, remember:
We have all been lied to about what humans look like. We've all had the diversity of our species contorted and hidden away from us. We are all, cis and trans alike, forced to reconcile our own appearances with these lies. There are cis people who look just like you, who have the same insecurities about their appearances that you do, I promise.
@alimcgowen this link doesn't seem to work
is it supposed to be melody's refrain?
@alimcgowen books?
「大丈夫ですか」 (en: "Are you okay")
🎨🔗 Artist: https://twitter.com/13033303/status/1132951461216772096
[1/3] Seattle Area PSA: Trans Pride Safety Bulletin (cw: white nationalists)
There's a Trump rally scheduled at the same time as Seattle Trans Pride, likely intending to disrupt the event.
Here's the info I've found:
• They're likely meeting at 4th and Columbia downtown & will march from there
• The hosting group has connections with known white nationalist movements
• The Gender Justice League is aware of this and is requesting donations for additional private security for Seattle Trans Pride
Seriously -
Jessie: Came from nothing, nobody there for her, ate snow to survive, tried to become a nurse but was failed by the education system and joined a bike gang instead.
James: Escaped from a snooty high class abusive family who tried to force him to be straight and set him up with a girl who abused him too, ran away from home and even had to leave his pet with his abusers.
Meowth: Dismissed as a useless stray by everyone, and when he finally pursued a talent, it only made people call him a freak for doing something he wasn't "supposed" to do - even the woman he loved was disgusted by him, which fueled a lifelong depression.
Like, damn, tag yourself. These poor souls are the epitome of queer culture.
trans enby, internet ghost, ~32