Gah, for the first time in my life I forgot to renew my car tabs - because when I changed my address with the WA DOL they only updated it for my driver's license and not my car registration, and for some damn reason the USPS didn't forward my renewal notice either.
I'm amazed I haven't been pulled over for this yet; I guess I somehow managed to avoid cops for the past week. Not that there's a lot of cops out in White Center and I rarely drive to Seattle (like I did today...)
@fluffy From what I understand, senders can pay to have a piece of mail returned to them with the new address instead of forwarded if they use the "return service requested" note on the mail, so that might be what happened.
@SimonTesla That explains how the charities got my updated addresses, but it doesn't explain how the Washington Department of Licensing didn't get their very important obviously-to-me mail forwarded. I should probably contact USPS and ask wtf is up with that.
anyway I've renewed online, so technically I'm legal again even if I get pulled over before the tabs arrive. And cops are pretty lenient for me anyway... I'm white-passing. :P