haha wow they literally used a generic furnace filter as a prop, you just don't see that on Discovery
I'm finally spending more time with Star Trek: Enterprise and like... gosh, the stories were way more interesting than anything they did in Picard. Or even Discovery.
New Trek definitely is missing a lot of what makes Star Trek Star Trek.
Enterprise does suffer a lot from over-reliance on half-baked CG effects, but at least they're using it to tell stories, rather than just spectacle.
A great 6 minute rundown of Critical Race Theory and the 1619 project.
I had a whole essay about this forming in my head in a dream just now but this is the only part that seems to have survived. There was also a side tangent about slime molds and how it’s not like we even have any big advantage due to circulatory or digestive systems, when slime molds show many of those same aspects.
Seattle-based music/code/comics critter. Vaguely friend-shaped. Fibro-spoony, queer, ADHD, and anxious as heck. Handle with care.