Also, if you have any plastic food containers (like big Tupperware bins or the like), fill them up with water and fill your freezer with as many of them as you can. Then you can blow a fan over it to get a small air conditioning area.
Also put damp towels in the freezer as well. Those make very good cold compresses that you can use to chill yourself in a hurry.
PROTIP for folks in the Seattle area: I've had the best luck getting bags of ice at Saar's.
Unlike the larger/more mainstream grocery stores, they've been a lot better about keeping their ice chest stocked, and also not imposing a ridiculously low limit on customers. I'm not sure how they do it but they've been AMAZING for me while I was still getting my freezer up to ice-making capacity.
turns out my cats are smarter than me, my bedroom is about 4° cooler than the living room
it's 89°F indoors, which sure beats the 99°F outside right now, or the 110°F I measured earlier today
oh also I've kept my non-North-facing blackout shades closed all day, which helps. I can't imagine how hot it'd be in here if my gigantic South-facing living room window had been letting in light all this time.
wow my ice is already mostly melted ugh
also for the last month I'd been collecting bids on getting a heat pump installed in my home and I really hope that I can get it actually done soon, even though the heat wave will hopefully be long gone by the time I can make it happen. I'll definitely need to be prepared for the next one.
I also hope that having already gotten bids gets me early in line, because I'm sure there's going to be a HUGE rush for installers soon.
So I bought 5 bags of ice and put it into a cooler, and then blew my box fan across it... and then the box fan decided today, of all days, to burn out.
But fortunately I found another (much smaller) fan which is working well enough, so I have a small livable spot where I can hang out and, like, not die.
Also it was "cool" and "fun" to see that the outside temperature gauge on my car does have three digits on it after all.
Seattle-based music/code/comics critter. Vaguely friend-shaped. Fibro-spoony, queer, ADHD, and anxious as heck. Handle with care.