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so i got a new job! only thing is we’ll need to relocate to york for the commute to be bearable and not 2 hours each way. i’m opening up emergency commissions until the end of july to help pay for any costs! Claim through the form below:

Basic colour and shading
Full body - £55
Waist up - £35
Bust - £25

Fully rendered/painted
Full body - £65
Waist up - £45
Bust - £35

Icons - £10
Animal/pet portraits - £15

Sketches (no colour, basic shading)
Full body - £20
Waist up - £15
Bust - £10

Simple background (e.g. abstract shapes) - +£5
Complex background - +£10

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so i got a new job! only thing is we’ll need to relocate to york for the commute to be bearable and not 2 hours each way. i’m opening up emergency commissions until the end of july to help pay for any costs! Claim through the form below:

Asking for financial assistance, boosts appreciated 

We're waiting to be paid rn and need to grab a couple of staple foods (milk, cheese, meats, some drinks, a couple of snacks) so if anyone can help us out til then that would be rad. Currently have around -£30 😭
My commissions are open too!
Cashapp: £tinygerblin

Need just a lil bit of commission work to get us through
basic colour + shading
Full body - £35
Half body - £25
Bust £15

Fully rendered/painted
Full body - £45
Half body - £35
Bust - £25

Icons - £7
Animal/pet portraits - £15

I still don't know how to exist on multiple platforms

Meds, positive 

Update: I feel like ass but at least they're in my system

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I posted this on birdsite as well and the amount of bots I got going "DM me your details and I'll bless you!" Like my good bot, the details are there just send me the money if you want to do me a favour

Trying out a new style and heck it's fun!

First character belongs to @/cheekie1691 / Valkyrie Wasted and the second is my Hardwired Island character Niko Nova

Trying out a new style and heck it's fun!

First character belongs to @/cheekie1691 / Valkyrie Wasted and the second is my Hardwired Island character Niko Nova

Meds, positive 

On the plus side, I got my ADHD meds through today! Starting on them tomorrow

COVID mention, uni stuff 

Looking at the current guidelines, staying at home with any respiratory illness is advised to keep people safe

I'm also very fucking ill and my chest is on fire but they don't seem to care at all, no sympathy or anything

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COVID mention, uni stuff 

Emailed my course leader saying I had covid symptoms and was isolating til Wednesday so I didn't infect everyone and this is the email I got back

Nice to see they care so much about vulnerable students (including me)

welp, my pen tablet monitor has broken. my laptop can't detect the display even with the drivers updated. i have my samsung tablet but that was mostly for uni stuff and the pen sensitivity is awful and hard to do complex things

gonna cry

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