I have a kitten purring, gently pawing and nibbling on my face. aaand nope he just ran off across the room. KITTAAAAN
@JulieSqveakaroo Razi mostly does chin-nibbles at this point. I hope he grows out of the face-bitey before I pick up an unwanted facial piercing... >___<
My sister got a kitten when we were younger and still living with my folks. He was incredibly affectionate and active and on the first night my sister knocked on my bedroom door and said 'Julie, take the cat'
He crawled up on the bed with me, and continued to lick my face, nose, fingers... absolutely anything he could get at for the entire night. I had to sleep completely buried under the covers just to get some snoozing in!
The nipping started happening, and I would nibble on his ears in response... he was my little companion when I was growing up.
My sister is far more of a dog person... she has 2 very active border collies now. Both do agility courses, and are absolutely adorable.
I prefer cats.
@JulieSqveakaroo aaawwwwww. =^___^=
I miss kitten nibbls... but not the sudden *CHOMP* on my nose with those sharp kitten teeth!