stray cat report
on the way out there was rain and yardwork, so I didn't see Mooch. on the way back, my "tsk tsk" call brought him out--along with another cat, this one grey and white and similarly skinny and scruffy-looking. I immediately thought "oh jeez am I feeding *two* strays now??" but when I put food down for both of them (a little apart), Mooch immediately dove into his, while Grey sniffed my finger (I didn't try to pet eir), sniffed the food, sniffed Mooch's butt, and strolled away.
stray cat report
given that Mooch paid no attention whatsoever to Grey, and Grey's disinterest in the food, I think Grey's somebody's indoor/outdoor cat that I just haven't seen before--but e was pretty scruffy-looking and skittish (I was only able to get close because Mooch was there, and my Weird Cat Thing), like I would associate with e being a stray. I'll keep an eye on eir, and hope for the best. :/