@xyzzy I recently help laid groundwork for a 44-foot long concrete pad that a rich person will be parking their that-long trailer on. It's to tow their luxury sports cars to auto races so they don't put mileage on the cars themselves. They have three of them (we're talking porsches and high-end mustangs and stuff).

Some people have too much fucking money.


@hummingrain @xyzzy when I was temping as an admin assistant at Microsoft a decade or so ago, there was a "club" of--upper-tier programmers, who got together once a month to go buy cars. they'd pass around emails and have lunch meetings deciding which car they would buy, then on that day they'd go to the dealership and each of them would buy one of that kind of car, and they'd drive it for a month, then trade it in on the next car. EAT THE RICH.

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