@icefoxx Fashion tip for next time though, if you wanna get daring:
Tail UNDER skirt. ;)
@indi Yeah, the tail is so big and floofy it just lifts the skirt right up! ^^;;
@icefoxx Exactly. ^.^
And dang, you're making me wanna wear skirts again. It's been ages. c.c; https://awoo.space/media/DL-YVNDhc33IxJWCHDI
@icefoxx (Just to be clear, since I realized that pic accidentally shows a date, I HAVE worn skirts more recently than 2014. Only picked that one for tail-under-skirt look. ;))
@indi Skirts are great and so is wearing them! :3
@icefoxx Agreed! I have just been finding myself more inclined toward (twinkish) masc-of-center presentation lately. Despite the gender feels themselves not changing? This stuff is complicated. c.c;
Anyway yeah I should try skirts sometimes again. ;)
@indi Yeah, you're not kidding that all this is complicated @.@
Anyways, I was looking to see if I had a pic of me wearing my tail under my skirt, but I don't think I've ever done that. xD
@icefoxx Well, that sounds easily fixable! ;)
@indi and thanks! I just got it last week. I love the colors! <3