This is perfectly what I think about Black Mirror (from this article I found
Indeed, Black Mirror often sends straw men tumbling down slippery slopes @Siphonay
@ThorGoLucky @Siphonay I'm still trying to decide if one super-lovely transhuman lesbian romance makes up for... the entire rest of the series.
It's a hard question.
San Junipero is REALLY GOOD.
@ThorGoLucky @indi the synopsis of this episode interested me, I might give it a look
@Siphonay @ThorGoLucky I don't usually watch media more than once. I have zero desire to watch any other episode of Black Mirror ever again.
I've watched San Junipero half a dozen times.
@Siphonay Yeah I think I'm up for it, I just gotta find a time when I can handle watching it. Less stress otherwise in my life, etc. :)
@indi I usually _HATE_ post-apocalyptic settings, yet the Mad Max are my favorite movies.