Thinking a bit about basically the whisper network that's I've ended up in when it comes to my own particular corner of non-binary transition and expression.

Realizing this must be what it was like for trans folks in general, a couple decades ago.

Wondering what the emotional toll difference is like, between "all these other folks are getting their needs met in a much more straightforward way" and "no one else even understands that people might have these needs"

Real talk: Non-binary discourse has done a really good job with validating "you don't have to be androgynous" and "you don't have to medically transition."

Which puts those of us who want and need both those things in a pretty awkward place sometimes.


I'm honestly sorta wondering how much of this is a straightforward terminology problem, at least when it comes to the specifics of my goals (and the goals of a lot of the folks in the aforementioned whisper network). There is NO good, specific term for this. The nearest one is a gross furry porn slur.

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