@literorrery That makes sense. It sounds like I have the opposite problem, a lot of the mindset that I find important and vital to existence-as-I-want-it-to-be is all too easy for me to simply forget when I'm too engrossed in quotidian banality. What I desire is a maximalist approach; I've found myself really upset lately when I thing about, for instance, how rarely I find myself daydreaming, these days.
@literorrery Yeah, I suppose my approach is more the latter, that it's part of the ritual; if it's meaningful action as part of the Work, it's ritual. To do anything else, to say ritual != action, reads to me as approaching an uncomfortably dismissive dualism.
@literorrery Fair enough. I'm just a bit sensitive about that sort of argument because it bears a lot of similarity to the train of thought that in my case didn't do much other than bolster my internal censor and turn ecstasy into obligation.
@literorrery But, I will admit, I don't know the full context here.
@literorrery I think this depends a LOT on how one defines 'ritual' and also feels like it sneers in the direction of anything but the psychological paradigm.
Just to show off a bit more, here's the eventual plan for the finished design:
This whole project is intimidating and exhilarating and I'm glad I'm all inspired by it and stuff because OMG using physical media is scary.
Iiiiii don't wanna work
I just wanna paint on my drum all day
Uuugh I can't even do the "wear dark colors to hide curves" thing even
WTB water-cooled chest binder or something, PST. >.<
Hey postfurries, I think someone at NASA is on to us. ;)
@green That sounds actually pretty similar to a thing I've fantasized about involving two rows of tentacles of descending size...
@thefishcrow Yeah, I mean, there are a dozen reasons I can come up with of why this might happen, many of them sympathetic or at least illustrative of broader stuff. I just had that initial moment of "wait what? Okay...."
This is not bagging on front-end devs at all, this is lamenting:
1) the ability for something like React to allow folks to Lego something together without really knowing what's going on underneath, and
2) The above making companies think they can back-fill front-end positions with other devs because 'it's so easy!'
pronouns: he/him • ve/ver
Glowy Postfurry Gay Coyotter Rave Toy.
Responding to @mentions and not much else. 💜