@literorrery Yeaaaah all that is exactly what I fret about when I'm trying to figure out what labels to use. Also the fact that in this particular case, "spiritworker" would be the obvious standin for "alchemist" but I'm not sure I've done enough "work" at it to claim that title (yet?)
Multi-reply and clarification: This wasn't a "Do I feel comfortable doing it" (I do!) so much as a "what words do I even use?"
Lotsa folks seem to use 'witch' but I'm... not that. :)
blatant shade
@LexYeen I think that's pretty much been with us since the beginning of :poop: Geek :poop: Culture :poop:
New Age Mention/Casual Reminder:
@thefishcrow I've not heard of fairy doctoring, what is it? (Google searches seem to point to 'traditional healing stuff, broadly' but I am guessing I'm missing a lot of nuane there?)
@forestservice Liminal spaces!
cannabis, ethics I guess
@LexYeen ...in-training! ^.^:
...Makes me even more trustworthy, right? c.c;
Also coyote. Highly trustworthy critters.
cannabis, ethics I guess
@LexYeen Containers that go in recycling are supposed to be empty I think?
Obviously the stems go in the compost/yard waste. ;)
Annnd done. Got-all-choked-up count: 3, spirituality-feels count: lost track.
Thank y'all for your attention, this is the first time I live[whatever]ed something, and I really enjoyed it. Mastodon seems to work really well for it, I may do this again sometime!
@forestservice Yeah, very much this, I was musing on this earlier today, this sort of "animism is a fact of life" worldview is really important to me.
Moana Livetoots
Glad that Maui had to apologized; I first expected/hoped it would be required to restore Te Fiti, but on second thought I'm actually really glad Moana was able to do that on her own.
pronouns: he/him • ve/ver
Glowy Postfurry Gay Coyotter Rave Toy.
Responding to @mentions and not much else. 💜