I'm forming connections to the land here, that remind me of my connections to the land there, which will probably always be very strong. It makes me yearn to be there, while at the same time, very happy with what I'm doing. It's strange.
That makes it two things, at the same time: What I feared might be a very emotionally difficult result oft hat trip, and what I hoped might be a very emotionally fulfilling result of the trip.
Sooo.... yaaay...?
Today, the New Mexico Feels hit all at once. Took longer than I expected, and manifested differently too.
Over the weekend I worked a lot on the yard, finally getting the stone circle int he back to a point where, it's not done, but I can see 'done' from here.
Today, standing outside the hardware store, heading to get more stuff for that project, I was struck by this strange feeling of... not-quite-deja-vu, but... connectedness, home-ness. A feel that being _here_ was like being _there_.
Woohoo, finally, after over a year, the backyard has not an overgrown, plastic-covered embarrassment, but some Proper Ritual Space! https://awoo.space/media/CKqJkl3xuwV1VCrloW8
It's been almost a year since I've been unable to stop myself from playing a Steam game at work (Stardew Valley, of course). But Opus Magnum destroyed my productivity yesterday, and the only reason it's not doing so today is I can't get Steam to sync the saves correctly.
Actually entirely friendly statement that's technically a subtoot because I dunno if the subject even has an account
@kellerfuchs Exactly correct. ;) In this case, for the last spot on an overfull bus.
@icefoxx Well, that sounds easily fixable! ;)
@icefoxx Agreed! I have just been finding myself more inclined toward (twinkish) masc-of-center presentation lately. Despite the gender feels themselves not changing? This stuff is complicated. c.c;
Anyway yeah I should try skirts sometimes again. ;)
@icefoxx (Just to be clear, since I realized that pic accidentally shows a date, I HAVE worn skirts more recently than 2014. Only picked that one for tail-under-skirt look. ;))
@icefoxx Exactly. ^.^
And dang, you're making me wanna wear skirts again. It's been ages. c.c; https://awoo.space/media/DL-YVNDhc33IxJWCHDI
@icefoxx Fashion tip for next time though, if you wanna get daring:
Tail UNDER skirt. ;)
@icefoxx They're excellent and really good for my swishy-sorta-moods? :)
I really need to get my own. c.c;
@icefoxx In less-awkward news, that hoodie is awesome and I'm jealous. :)
@icefoxx Holy crap I just realized I have your Telegram stickers. XD
@spiderrobotpig@witches.town Yeah and like, I think I'd argue for not centering the 'witch' identity specifically if you did wanna make one to talk about magick-type-topics? Given how Aesthetic it seems to be currently (especially this month) and the fact that there are those of us who want to talk about that sort of thing who definitely don't identify that way.
@spiderrobotpig@witches.town Probably I am not helping but: I would definitely love to see an actual spirituality-focussed masto; a lot of the witchiness on w.t feels kinda just... performative... sometimes? I definitely don't get the feeling that "let's talk about actual witchcraft" was a big initial goal there at least. :)
Structural integrity improved, guard dino reunited with boyfriend, reading material acquired. All is well.
I'm out of practice at this. Hopefully my fearsome guard dino will make up for any structural deficiencies.
pronouns: he/him • ve/ver
Glowy Postfurry Gay Coyotter Rave Toy.
Responding to @mentions and not much else. 💜