Moana Livetoots
(The animated tattoo stuff is really cool though, I loved it when Hercules did that kinda thing too)
Moana Livetoots
Elanna (paraphrased): "Okay so that's either just the ocean being capricious, or being friends with the ocean doesn't mean you're friends with the weather"
Moana Livetoots
I REALLY like how they're making the ocean a character (as in, actually having it interact with Moana, etc) while only barely anthropomorphizing it (no face, etc)
(It also happens to be pretty similar to how nature-spirits appear to me)
Moana Livetoots
Okay now that's just Lin singing isn't it. :D Also this coming-to-the-island set-piece is BEAUTIFUL.
Moana Livetoots
The grandmother is the best character. Also, friend to all rays, like me! ^.^
Moana Livetoots
...This is pretty much how it went whenever I tried to go body-surfing, yup. Yike. O.O
Moana Livetoots
Tough same thing I said before goes for this song too.
This movie has some NUANCE, y'all.
Moana Livetoots
Oh dang some emotional depth to the authoritarian characters, right off.
Moana Livetoots
Interesting thing it sets up there in the opening 'I want"-ish song; they're making a compelling point for "this is a good thing" rather than "this is a crappy provincial town" or whatever.
Moana Livetoots
I'm loving the lyrical density here. That's some very Lin Manuel stuff here. :D
Moana Livetoots
Oooh I saved a stingray like that once! Did I make friends with the ocean too?
pronouns: he/him • ve/ver
Glowy Postfurry Gay Coyotter Rave Toy.
Responding to @mentions and not much else. 💜