Moana Livetoots
Look I can't read facial expressions all that well but I can read that one and it says "I'm the bad guy in a Disney movie"
Moana Livetoots
Can you tell how prestige-y a movie is by if it starts with the usual music or not?
@thefishcrow Oh dang yes, fantastic idea, thank you!
@MinUmbra Yay, I'm at least two of those! Maybe sometimes all four?
Woohoo, I did it! Was easier than I thought, and had clear effects. A++ would meditate again.
...Now can I read the cool books? ...No? ... *sigh*
Me at work: "Okay I'm in a good mood, I can do the devotionals and meditation practice right away and then have the rest of the night to relax"
*has to wait half an hour in the cold because the bus gods are not with ver today*
Me at home: "Maybe I can just curl up under blankets all night instead"
Motivation is hard.
@Fuego Uuuh crud yeah me too. I'm sure it'll come back to me if it's important. Also :thumbsup: on the Hestia thing (more or less, I suppose).
I love hearing about complicated/non-standard deity interactions. Like, I had a thing going with Lugh for a few months where he was a really helpful drill-sargeant when I was first getting started with daily stuff... but eventually basically had to 'break it off' when I ended up getting into obsessive patterns over it. But, like, amicably.
pronouns: he/him • ve/ver
Glowy Postfurry Gay Coyotter Rave Toy.
Responding to @mentions and not much else. 💜