e621 data
Well, and I need to set up a few more reports. Luckily, I just save them in the DB and a cron job will run them daily/weekly/monthly.
Since new data is only brought in once per day and some queries can take a while, everything is just done based on reports. When cron runs them, it saves the output, and the server just serves that. The API and server are incredibly lightweight without a need to be real-time.
@Floe it's fun! I just feel bad for not having new data. Guess I could use clean data from e621, though!
re: FC panels, possible future gripe
Screw it, sent programming an email to make my case for an all-ages panel ^^
re: FC panels, possible future gripe
I marked the safer sex panel as all ages, and I'm going to fight them on that if they change it. I will also strive to have it at the beginning of the con.
@CoronaCoreanici So did JD x.x Sounds bad.
@Azure Oh jeez, thank you! This is great ^^
re: Grs, medical, +
@AzureHusky So happy for you <333
i'm legally a girl, which suggests that at some point i was illegally a girl, which is cyberpunk as fuck
Recovering techie with an MFA in creative writing at Cornell College, working on like a kajillion writing projects at once.
Trans/nb, queer, polyam, median, constantly overwhelmed.
Skunks&: https://makyo.is/plural