re: Code nerding
@Saxxon (Unrelated, but I love that domain name :P)
mh shootpost
Anyway, I can't sleep because I realized postgres can compute standard deviation for me.
e621 data, whoops
@WatchingWolf yes! It's great for that ^^
e621 data, whoops
My response:
Um...this may be one of those "please don't Google it" moments :)
e621 is also a furry art image board. The reason I'm doing stats on it is that they're particularly neurotic about tagging images, so there's a lot of good data to be had. Adding it to my usual data panels at cons
Grs revisión (- - -)
@cassi oh no D:
@indrora I...well, okay, true c.c
@indrora Would have to be housecat to be any more smug, tho :S
@indrora As any good bean ought to be.
Recovering techie with an MFA in creative writing at Cornell College, working on like a kajillion writing projects at once.
Trans/nb, queer, polyam, median, constantly overwhelmed.