Lewd follow-up
Fair's fair:
One of my long-running RPs involves highschool level age-play and explicitly bad decisions. Think sophomores who didn't pay attention in sex-ed.
Toeing the line and then absolutely fucking everything up, innocence spoiled, fertility, secret liaisons... There's a lot for a snep to like in there.
@Oneironott oh my LORD I could go for some goddamn McD's fries now. This is 852% valid.
Dev pride, con panel
(this applies to both the general and the adult panels. They follow the same basic pattern of text text text vis text text text that impress+add-ons does so well ^^)
Dev pride, con panel
This means that, when I run my data panels, I can have a slide that's just the visualization itself, rather than a screenshot, so I can provide exact numbers that are usually shown on hover, or show/hide variables, etc. Used to be, I'd run the presentation from LibreOffice, then after, open a browser and do that.
ALSO it'll work on any computer with a modern browser and an internet connection so I can give it whenever with basically zero prep.
Dev pride, con panel
I'm actually pretty proud of my ridiculously simple impress.js add-ons ^^
The first modifies the class list on '<body>' based on a dataset attribute on the step (analogous to a PowerPoint slide) and undoes the changes when the step is left.
The second basically attaches an arbitrary event handler specified in a dataset attribute. This lets me build an interactive visualization when a step is entered and tear it down when the step is left to prevent DOM pollution.
mh (~), con panel, tangential lewd
Using ongoing hypomania+insomnia to get shit done, at least. About a third of the way done with my adult furry data presentation. Most of the deck is there, it just needs the visualizations, a good chunk of which are already written (sex importance, wixxx, e621), they just need to be plugged in. The rest (furry survey sexuality information, SoFurry data) should be simple n.n
My coworker is raising money for the EFF, Internet Archive, and GameHistory.org ...by reading the source code for Leisure Suit Larry...while wearing a leisure suit. We're on hour 7. https://www.twitch.tv/textfilesdotcom
Best part? It's categorized as ASMR :P
Recovering techie with an MFA in creative writing at Cornell College, working on like a kajillion writing projects at once.
Trans/nb, queer, polyam, median, constantly overwhelmed.
Skunks&: https://makyo.is/plural