@Shirou14 white2tea.com !
re: Frumpcore undergarments (frumperwear)
@CoronaCoreanici They make it in cuts more amenable to enpenised folks, too! https://www.meundies.com/products/trunk eg. It's under the 'Adventurous' tab below the sizes.
re: Frumpcore undergarments (frumperwear)
@Entropy_in_Drag True! Maybe I could get away with leggings, if I can squeeze my huge fucking thighs into them.
re: Frumpcore undergarments (frumperwear)
@Entropy_in_Drag I dunno if I could get away with just the tunic and underwear. I feel like that'd get a little -too- Big Lebowski or something~
Also heck yeah ^^
I feel like all of these are pretty on-brand? Like, they'll all make me look vaguely like I hastily got dressed in the dark for a prog show immediately after a long day working in a library? V. frumpcore.
Furry art, lewd, birdsite link
Oh hey! An internal shot that doesn't involve cervical penetration. How refreshing! Still has time dilating impregnation, tho.
@Azure A sheng with lots of sweetness ^^ https://white2tea.com/product/2017-poundcake/
@Oneironott Heck! Yeah, that's a good one :D
Recovering techie with an MFA in creative writing at Cornell College, working on like a kajillion writing projects at once.
Trans/nb, queer, polyam, median, constantly overwhelmed.
Skunks&: https://makyo.is/plural