Pokémon porn, birtsite links
I dunno why, but Lucarios (Lucarii?) always look COMPLETELY flustered, overwhelmed, or surprised in porn? It's delightful ^^
Art by @ibuybread@twitter.com
Thus decarboxylated, we move on to the fiddly bit of "boil high proof alcohol in a sealed glass jar :X
Lyrics hollering
I got a BUS PASS
To make my way from hideout to hideout in the heat of the day...
#stuckinmyhead #hellaqueer https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NDOenFQazrA
Self deprecation flipping
Like seriously, I love it. I like being soft, I like dressing the way I do, I like being recklessly open and free with my emotions. It really is good.
Lewd follow-up
Fair's fair:
One of my long-running RPs involves highschool level age-play and explicitly bad decisions. Think sophomores who didn't pay attention in sex-ed.
Toeing the line and then absolutely fucking everything up, innocence spoiled, fertility, secret liaisons... There's a lot for a snep to like in there.
Recovering techie with an MFA in creative writing at Cornell College, working on like a kajillion writing projects at once.
Trans/nb, queer, polyam, median, constantly overwhelmed.
Skunks&: https://makyo.is/plural