So, I'm shopping for a bike helmet.
I'm finding myself increasingly frustrated with this prospect because of just how big my head is, compared to most of the helmets that I've seen so far. My head circumference is a titch over 25 inches, if I've measured this right, whereas the largest helmets I keep finding will fit a 24 inch head.
For the curious, no, a helmet designed for a head that's 24 inches will not fit my head. It's uncomfortable and doesn't come down onto my head the right way.
@mawr I might take you up on that. I do want to check one thing with the bike shops locally first, making sure that I'm sizing my head right when I do this, because I ended up bringing my own measurement into question when I looked up my current helmet and found that it's designed for a 24 inch head. The one I returned claims to fit my head size based on this, but based on it not going onto my head at all, this isn't the most accurate statement. :)