Our whole neighborhood just lost power again
Our UPS says it can run our wireless network for the next 10+ hours though, which is pretty rad.
@green Yeah, this is our 3rd major power outage in 2 months. I think a house generator is in our future.
@mawr hmm... rather than a generator, I wonder if a battery could work? recharge it while the house has electricity; when the power goes out, it uses what it's stored... I really don't know anything about the subject, though. XD
@mawr Losing power is butts, but $DEITY bless the UPS!
(Seriously, they ARE rad. I don't know how I lived without one.)
@mawr ah! yeah, I remember that being a thing when I was living in that neighborhood--like, "wind blows, power goes out." it usually came back fairly quickly, but it seemed like we lost power two or three times a month in fall and winter. :/