@typhlosion mae is BAE
@xkeeper hullo
welcome to the shy furry zone, where we stand around looking uncomfortable at each other until someone nervously comments on how quiet it is!
@wakest it is funny that the other person doing that happened to also be a fan of dragons apparently
@wakest well .ws is one of the few TLDs that allows them, and two emojis is the standard thing to do in gimmicky emoji urls ever since coke first did it on a billboard in like 2011
@wakest oh no, that'll be someone else
sick background though
@wakest shoot i screwed up the emoji url
(the emoji url was a bad idea in retrospect)
@wakest http://🖥🐲.ws/ / http://xn--6o8hri.ws/ is where i've been posting this stuff yeah
this one is about creating physical manifestations of my anxiety so i can punch it in the face
(face-punching not pictured)
@modernmodron and then 20 foxes come up and say awoo
i also draw smol comics occasionally. this one is about birdsite https://awoo.space/media/v3lta-okm5zdMsVQlIw
@typhlosion thanks *_* i'm just super insecure about my art, comes from being praised all the time for technical stuff and never encouraged to do art stuff i guess
cool 1 fav
i don't know what i was expecting, thanx to anxiety i explicitly waited for the time of night when no one was around
ok well here, here's something i drew a few months ago when i was feeling especially tired
@typhlosion this cannot stand