Hey y'all!
...it's TIME.
@fluffy @anthracite @nolan
There are not one but two python ics libraries; at least one should work. I already have a decent handle on an email library. Do you just send a message with an attached .ics or is it more involved than that?
The other wide-audience feature of meetup is that it's non-self-hosted. Unless we could just acquire some hosting for it.
Actually, side note, I will say that I'm not 100% comfortable running this account on the same box as my other bots; "reliable" it ain't.
@fluffy @anthracite @nolan That would be the really slick business, wouldn't it? Could allow people to say "remind me (instead) at email@addre.ss". Probably not hard to get an ananas bot sending emails.
Hey look at all these people at the second Seattle Masto meetup. I missed a couple who left earlier too. And that fist is the ex-without-benefits who didn’t want me to steal their soul.
I am entirely too lazy to get all the user names.
https://dragon.style/media/qhtQNUMN6uli4HfjYLE https://dragon.style/media/uems9oTxe9FCAzq8Z3I
@nolan @anthracite have some way for people to opt in/out by mentioning(/following?) it, record those names, then send out reminders.
If whenisgood has an API then we could automate the process entirely... :thinking:
I do think it would be worth busproofing the process from me in case I fall off the earth for some reason ir can't come.
@anthracite @reibeatall My palms shall require *significant* greasing, as they did this time! :cool_face:
But yeah, I'll see what I can do. One way or another I'll say this account can/should be some kind of centering point for the next/future ones.
No worries! See you next time! Go, rest, be well!
@reasdoinaheckinmeetup I'm heading to Ray Gun as soon as I hop off the bus. Roughly 4:30-5pm. Gonna get some art done in the meantime.
@chr@cybre.space @anthracite Correctomundo! I really should (edit: totally just did) put that info in this account's description.
@chr@cybre.space @Roady_Dragonfae Yeah! This friday, december 22nd, at the raygun lounge in cap hill. All variety of dragons and non-dragons will be there!
@mismatched@a.weirder.earth @DialMforMara :/ dang. Sorry! But yeah, you're not the first (nor the second) to happen to be busy on that day. Then again, I should have know december would be full for people. But! There will be another one of these! Probably next month?
@mismatched@a.weirder.earth @DialMforMara Yep! Raygun lounge! Dember 22nd! 6pm! Let's hang out. If you can't make it to that one, it won't be the last.
@witchfynder_finder Formal RSVPs not necessary! But appreciated - see you there!
Karaoke tho 👌
@reasdoinaheckinmeetup most excellent! I will endeavor to make my way up from Tacoma for the evening, barring any last minute barriers.
@aji Sorry! You and a few others, it seems - there will be another one a ways down the line to give people who had to miss it another shot.
@Skirmisher @cryptosphinx@cybre.space Hm. :/ I mean, we could go play some cards against humanity (and I'm up for that) but I think I'll leave the meetup where it is. I might be traveling or setting up on the 29th. However: this won't be the last! It won't even be the last to happen soon. I won't start planning that until this one happens, but it could be cool to get folks together some kind of regularly? At the very least, there will be >=1 "meetup for all the folks who couldn't make it to the last meetup".
@Skirmisher @cryptosphinx@cybre.space Egh. The 8th they'll be fulla people. http://www.gammaraygamestore.com/events/
January 11th!
6PM at the Raygun Lounge, 501 E Pine St, Seattle, WA 98122.