Hope to see some of y'all at the Masto meetup at Mox in Ballard that starts an hour from now! :D
Details available at @reasdoinaheckinmeetup's profile ^.=.^
People going to @reasdoinaheckinmeetup's #meetup tomorrow: I will be bringing my #mtg Brawl deck and would like to test it. If anyone else has one ready, we should play. @memnus
Yo, anyone going to @reasdoinaheckinmeetup who can give me and a friend a ride from Redmond?
What I'm using to mass-ping, in case anyone is curious: https://gist.github.com/bowlercaptain/0526fd9c6be9dc44b40155dd05279a43
Does anybody who frequents or lives near Ballard know what parking is like near the Mox?
cc @racheez
Alright! The next meetup is scheduled and booked! Friday, March 30th, 6PM-10PM, in the Red and Green rooms at the Mox Boarding House in Ballard. 5105 Leary Ave NW, Seattle, WA 98107.
Private spaces! Food and drink! More board games that we'll probably get too distracted with conversation to remember to try to play! See you all there.
@reasdoinaheckinmeetup fair enough! this month is gonna be at the Raygun, right
@reasdoinaheckinmeetup @kaizoku @lifning @sev @cryptosphinx @aji @fluffy @cybermeow @Ulfra_Wolfe @Skirmisher @venko @dragonluvr89 @hellojed @thefishcrow @DialMforMara @brassmerino @green @memnus @kara @djsundog @witchfynder_finder @unascribed @anthracite @nolan @chr @awoofriend @iliana oof, got other plans. some other time!
@reasdoinaheckinmeetup @kaizoku @lifning @sev @cryptosphinx @aji @fluffy @Ulfra_Wolfe @irisjaycomics @Skirmisher @venko @dragonluvr89 @hellojed @thefishcrow @DialMforMara @brassmerino @green @memnus @kara @djsundog @witchfynder_finder @unascribed @anthracite @nolan @chr @awoofriend @iliana
W00t! what place?
It is decided! Taking the nights when most people are available, filtering out nights when the Raygun has something else going on, then sorting by earliest: Saturday, February 10th! See you there, if you can come!
@kaizoku @lifning@cybre.space @sev@witches.town @cryptosphinx@cybre.space @aji @fluffy @cybermeow @Ulfra_Wolfe@witches.town @irisjaycomics @Skirmisher @venko @dragonluvr89 @hellojed@mastodon.social @thefishcrow@cybre.space @DialMforMara @brassmerino @green @memnus @kara@occult.camp @djsundog @witchfynder_finder @unascribed@cybre.space @anthracite @nolan @chr@cybre.space @awoofriend @iliana@witches.town
Hey @iliana@witches.town , you might be interested in coming to this. Another Seattle meetup is happening! ^^
(thank @Skirmisher for reminding me, I totally just copy-pasted the list of names from the last round without remembering things)
Let's do another one of these! @awoofriend @chr@cybre.space @nolan @anthracite @unascribed@cybre.space @witchfynder_finder @djsundog @kara@occult.camp @memnus @green @brassmerino @DialMforMara @thefishcrow@cybre.space @hellojed@mastodon.social @dragonluvr89 @venko @Skirmisher @irisjaycomics @Ulfra_Wolfe@witches.town @cybermeow @fluffy @aji @cryptosphinx@cybre.space @sev@witches.town @lifning@cybre.space @kaizoku
January 11th!
6PM at the Raygun Lounge, 501 E Pine St, Seattle, WA 98122.