should now silence again. please make sure you follow anyone whose interactions you wanna receive (you can use the mute feature if you don't want to see them in your timeline)

Jani boosted

we're having wasabi issues again. they keep telling me they fixed it permanently this time but they clearly don't

Jani boosted

Good news: It looks like's issues with object storage have been resolved. I'm sorry for the inconvenience (mostly not seeing avatars and emojos).

They haven't told me they fixed it (might be putting some finishing touches) but I'm guessing we have Wasabi's engineering team to thank for this one, the supporters I talked to were very nice and competent, I'm looking forward to many years of keeping my stuff on their servers.

I should probably figure out a backup strategy though 😅

Jani boosted

We're aware that some images still don't load on awoospace, that is an issue with our object storage. I've been told Wasabi engineers are working on it, sadly it is out of my control.

Jani boosted

Awoospace is patched against the new Mastodon security issues. Huge thanks to the glitch-soc maintainer @Claire! :janiawoo:

Jani boosted

I'm gonna have to take down sometime later today for an infrastructure switchover. Dunno how long it'll take (hopefully less than an hour) but it should not change anything

Jani boosted

So, now that has made this issue public I can disclose that had the same misconfiguration issue. If you exported your data it might've been leaked. I'm not sure how long it's been configured that way but it must've been since before I was the admin.

Jani boosted

welcome to Ubuntu 22, awoospace. Nothing changed (I hope)

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Jani boosted

yay, it broke and I fixed it. Sorry it took so long

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Jani boosted

I made the questionable decision to upgrade the Ubuntu version on the awoospace server, so if it goes down it's my fault. Wish me luck!

Jani boosted PSA: we haven't joined any fedi "alliances" or anything

anyone else waiting for an allowlist addition: I'm sorry, I'm way behind -noiob

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Awoo! We're now federating with these new instances

public instances: (admin contact: @snarkydragonbutt) (admin: @GTSAttendant)

private or invite-only instances: (admin: @moiety)

(sorry about the multiple posts)

AWOO! we're back! @noiob says sorry for the extended downtime. Our new server is faster but it's gonna take some time to catch up with the rest of the fediverse, so it might still feel a bit slow for a while, but with the added power awoospace should be more stable than ever :janiawoo:

Jani boosted

Masto PSA: If you're still using a third-party service to delete old posts check your instance's /statuses_cleanup path (Automated post deletion in settings).
Setting it up there instead of externally allows your instance to process the deletes only when it has the processing power to spare which is important rn as instances get hit hard by the current influx of users and activity :)

Jani boosted

Switching awoo to only support invites because I'm sick of people not reading the additional text and mentioning a previous account (and it won't even show up in the apps, which for some reason have a signup flow integrated now)

Jani boosted

I've temporarily opened invites for all users, you can now generate invite links for your friends if they wanna come here. Don't share them publicly. they're under

say awoo! to, who we've been federating with for a while now. Their admin is @VK3VKK

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Jani's choices:

Awoo Space is a Mastodon instance where members can rely on a team of moderators to help resolve conflict, and limits federation with other instances using a specific access list to minimize abuse.

While mature content is allowed here, we strongly believe in being able to choose to engage with content on your own terms, so please make sure to put mature and potentially sensitive content behind the CW feature with enough description that people know what it's about.

Before signing up, please read our community guidelines. While it's a very broad swath of topics it covers, please do your best! We believe that as long as you're putting forth genuine effort to limit harm you might cause – even if you haven't read the document – you'll be okay!