FIRST DREAM LOG OF THE YEAR's not... it's interesting...?
the commandments, first draft:
1. a human may not injure God or, through inaction, allow God to come to harm
2. a human must obey the orders given to it by God, except where such orders would conflict with the first law
3. a human must protect its own existence, excepting conflict with the first two laws
undertale, discourse
frisk is nonbinary and i HATE it when people pull the "oh frisk is meant to be gendered in the player's interpretation/frisk IS the player" card because...??? the game consistently refers to frisk as they/them and confirms that frisk is indeed their own person
this is not a call to debate with me on this, just, either block me or call frisk they/them
i rlly like having nonbinary representation and it feels kinda invalidating to have people tell me otherwise
@typhlosion ooooh, i vote oneshot!
"So you're a shapeshifter? Cool! I've always wanted to be a wolf, or wombat, or-"
"We can only take the shape of one animal."
"Oh. Which one?"
"It varies from person to person."
"Yeah, but what's yours?"
"But you are..."
"Oh, I have taken human shape for the moment."
#MicroFiction #TootFic #SmallStories
i've been told by one friend that i type like a combination of dave, nepeta, and terezi's quirks
oh, looks like i'm back to @scoliwings
see y'all later