Not even moved to MutableBackup, just straight-up deleted.
Thanks MS. I at least kept a backup on my secondary drive.
I can't stop. I'm actually hopelessly addicted again. #PSO2NA
FaceTime was terrible because it was Apple products only. Zoom is terrible because the company is a fucking supervillain parody and has horrible security practices.
Github is such an incredible invasion of privacy, the way it's used in hiring. I'm good at coding, I'm an effective member of a team, but it's not my hobby. It's not what I do with my free time. If you're looking for work as an accountant, they don't monitor you to check if you balance books for fun off the clock.
re: seattle protests, police, ???
@iliana after what I saw last night, I wouldn't be surprised by anything.
has poor taste in video games
yes you can follow request
please ask in a DM for discord/other app to contact me directly. DMs here are not a great direct medium
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