
im gonna fuckin punch the ground so hard that the earth's core splits open

hang on gimme a minute i gotta level up my powers ok

Lilac ⚧ boosted

i will use mastodon for approximately one shitpost per day until i forget

Lilac ⚧ boosted

mastodon? more like mastoDON'T

sorry i have forgotten how this website works

is awoo.space still federated with the main stuff? it seems like it is

Lilac ⚧ boosted

it is caturday! pls patpat a kitn to celebrate.

whoa, haven't been to this website for a while.

hello everyone

Lilac ⚧ boosted

conservatives on twitter posting pics of tagged up and toppled george washington statues like “this is what antifa wants” and im like “fuck yea, dude. thats dope.”

Lilac ⚧ boosted

guys: is it gay to mew? It's literally making a high-pitched, crying sound, as that of a cat. ☕

Lilac ⚧ boosted

we should stop making computers more physically capable just so that developers are forced to use resources efficiently. What the fuck do you mean your game needs 10% of my hard drive. Start over.

Lilac ⚧ boosted

You can only boost this today, the 70th of March

Lilac ⚧ boosted

Two customers who are best friends: "Oh yeah we been neighbors for years but we just never talked. He was always at work, I was always at work, but we only just started hanging out since we had to stay at home."

One bought the other a $140 bottle of whiskey on a whim because "hey whens your birthday? Oh shit February? I didn't get you anything."


Lilac ⚧ boosted

If you have a number in your band name, I fully expect that to be the number of people in the band.

Looking at you, Blink-182.

Lilac ⚧ boosted
Lilac ⚧ boosted

Water Drive for Navajo and Hopi nations 


"Thank you to those who have already donated and to those who have committed to a donation. We have a long way to go to reach our goal. This will be an ongoing effort so your continued support will be greatly appreciated. Zaniya Pro Clean LLC and Spottedhorse Infosystems firmly believe in GIVING BACK and as Indigenous people it is our responsibility to take care of one another! We ask for your effort in this movement.

Zelle: Garrett.waln72@gmail.com
Venmo (Troi): 480-628-0568

We also ask that you please share!"

whoops i think i've been on twitter too much again. coming back here for today 💜

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Awoo Space

Awoo.space is a Mastodon instance where members can rely on a team of moderators to help resolve conflict, and limits federation with other instances using a specific access list to minimize abuse.

While mature content is allowed here, we strongly believe in being able to choose to engage with content on your own terms, so please make sure to put mature and potentially sensitive content behind the CW feature with enough description that people know what it's about.

Before signing up, please read our community guidelines. While it's a very broad swath of topics it covers, please do your best! We believe that as long as you're putting forth genuine effort to limit harm you might cause – even if you haven't read the document – you'll be okay!