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here's my most recent stream of Slime Rancher! in this one I got my ranch a bit more under control, and also fed a really big cat until it exploded into smaller cats

here's my stream of Ridge Racer Unbounded! this is a rly fun racing game, an old favorite of mine, and it was rly fun revisiting it on stream!

Don't do the crime if you can't be the gay.

people seem very angry today :<

pls take a moment to breathe and relax a bit

(petting a kitten is a good way to relax a bit)

Super Climb Up is out now!

Super Climb Up is a cute platformer about climbing mountains! 60 stages await you, can you reach the top of them all?

okay everyone, my job is done with Super Climb Up now, now it's up to all of you too make it a success by sharing it as much as you can 'u' every little thing helps!

terfs: "trans women are just gay men who go through the whole of their transition just to avoid having to admit they're gay"

almost every trans woman i see on social media: "i'm gay. like, really really gay. i'm super super ultra gay"

commissions by alayna butterfly ~

reply to this post if you are interested!

if you are sleepy, do not fight it and try to do things anyway, just do a sleep. you will feel better when you wake up :blobcatsleep:

help. i can't help but want to buy all the least common colors of lego bricks
i'm gonna buy all the dark turquoise bricks in existence and build something incredibly unstable and weird-looking because i don't have a full spectrum of shapes to work with

cw: scary health stuff 

so uh, now that my veins are full of estrogen, will i get the female symptoms for a heart attack? i need to know

What: Community Game Night

Where: Union Project; 801 N Negley Ave, Highland Park, #Pittsburgh

When: Wednesday, 16 January; 6:15-8:30 PM

Who: Yinz

How: 71A, 75, 87 buses; your own transportation

How much: Recommended $5 donation to the Union Project

Why: Because #boardgames are fun

Tugging my leash ahead
Just makin my way
Makin my way
To the paaark

And I love you
And I love food
And now I wonder

When you ask if I would like to play
Are you prepared to spend all day
Cuz you know I'd fetch a thousand balls
If I could just be your
Good girl

*piano solo*

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Makin my way downtown
Walkin fast
Faces pass
And I'm puppy

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