@sc ty!
this wasnt intended to be a movie ref i just had a handcrafted nutrient-slurry made by me and feel hyper from caffeine intake
@Siphonay LOOKS COOL THO....
@linen DELIGHTFUL! ty for linking
ummmmm what
no frills (the canadian grocery store that sells food with really plain yellow branding (eg in first image) now has clothing that is kind of glitchy and amazing? what?
idk idk idk https://haulershop.com/hauler
@sc the one second from the right who looks like that one guy from friends
golf hot take
@codl golf is also lawns: the rich ppl sport and therefore horrid
update on cyberlibrary (read: datahoarding on usb devices)
im beginning to realize my strat of "every time i get a waaaay bigger drive, backup the previous ones onto it->repeat with that & the bigger drive's friends the next big size upgrade" is REALLY SMART for keeping backups on seperate devices. but. it will end with me getting the drive from the end of lucy. but instead of the universe's secrets on it? my favorite weird itchio games and every pdf vaguely relating to my interests i find.
hey, it's roxanne (or niko). i play dnd sometimes and am a girl. Also I like tower unite and kobolds