@modernmodron i Love the ang lee hulk
@sparrow @thefishcrow @ThatDamnCat @spinach@mastodon.social
crime is self-determination
@thefishcrow fools #vore-ing fast till they've emptied plates
@thefishcrow when the #vore broke down they started walking
but whom'st been they horny ol' crunchers been voring all day
@thefishcrow but whom were they #vore-ing whilst squelching and snorting all day
@thefishcrow they #vore-d before the sun came up that day
kitchen light flashes, triangles up. churning and burning, whom'st squirms in my cup
@thefishcrow reluctantly #vore at the starting line
@thefishcrow this is the story of a #vore
@thefishcrow @bleak it was warioware b-ball at most, gotta catch them last seconds!
spinach facts addendum
not so much the football guy pulling a forehead at a forehead (although sometimes,) but more like that drinking bird toy except it's my forehead making contact and not the beak i don't have (for i am a sloth)