@frickhaditcoming GamerGate does the exact same thing. White nationalism under the guise of "ethics".
@Oneironott I have had trouble getting it to work, I just played around until I got it to work. >.>
@Oneironott There's examples at https://glitch-soc.github.io/docs/features/profile-metadata/
@Oneironott It goes in your bio section, and it will only work on glitch.soc instances. Anything below the ... line is your normal bio.
@Oneironott The metadata? Well, it's based off YAML formatting, so..all you need to do is this:
Key: Text
And (hopefully) It should work.
@Miffy Which one?
Crypto currency.
@hntooter Well..that's a good way for savings, isn't it? You might as well put your life savings in a pile, and burn it.
@jd These people suck, and yet, they're everywhere. I wouldn't go as far as to blame Trump for it..although it's likely his fault.
Capitalism, buying things
With her eyes, and her abitilies, she reminds me of a Betazoid from Star Trek. :3
Capitalism, buying things
So..it's like.. £16 per series, as compared to buying the DVDs at £33 each.
But, you know, it does have Life, and the one I've been meaning to get, Space. She has a bigger role in the space one.
This is who I'm tallking about: https://davidraphet.deviantart.com/art/psi-317116386
Capitalism, buying things
Yeah, I've been on a bit of a kick trying to find old cartoons I used ot watch. One of which is called "Il Etait Une Fois La Vie", or "Once Upon a Time Life." It had a pretty dark-skinned woman in it who I fell in love with, and still is!
Anyway, on a site, I found a large collection of every series in that collection for over £100. Seems like a lot, but you do get 7 series, including the newer "Planet Earth" series. The first 6 are English, but the last one is French
Headmate(?): @spaceelfnei@dragon.style
Headmate(?): @spacewomanpsi
Keybase: https://keybase.io/squeakycheetah
Steam: http://steamcommunity.com/id/lyssadawson
Balloonie geeky cheetah, into technology and getting bigger. ;3