I'm currently working on an article about the pan-Asian response to Taiwan's ruling on same-sex marriage and I'm looking for people - especially LGBTQ women & non-binary people - from across Asia to interview. (I'm including ex-Soviet Bloc/Eurasia in this, such as Armenia, Cyprus, or Georgia.)
I'm especially looking for people from Brunei, Bahrain, Afghanistan, and Bhutan since finding them has been tricky, but anyone from any Asian country works too.
Please boost & share!
@thefishcrow Boop!
NFSW inflation naughtiness
I found this picture in my saved archives. Seems perfect for what I like in inflation. :3
@Raspberryfloof Heya, cutie~!
Sony..I just..why? what is the point of all this? What possessed you to do this? Please tell me.
@tiden Meow!
...that you're needed.
I want you to be here, I want you to be here to see what I do next! There's so much adventure I want to take part in. I don't want to do it all alone, I want to do it with you.
Without all of you, I would be a regular cheetah, but with you, I'm far more than a regular cheetah. I'm so glad that you're here, and it makes me happy.
All of my adventures would mean nothing without you.
Thank you for being here, please continue to be here. :3
With love,
Lyssa~ <3
I might be just a silly squeaky cat, but..I can tell right now that some of you might not be okay, even if you're keeping quiet about it, since there's plenty of upsetting things going on right now.
It's okay to be upset, no matter what's going on, or even if there's nothing going on right now.
It's also okay to take as much time as you need to figure it out, it's never too late.
It might feel that way, but remember, when you feel the darkness tugging at you, look at my face, and see...
Headmate(?): @spaceelfnei@dragon.style
Headmate(?): @spacewomanpsi
Keybase: https://keybase.io/squeakycheetah
Steam: http://steamcommunity.com/id/lyssadawson
Balloonie geeky cheetah, into technology and getting bigger. ;3