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update: ive been struck dead by god HOWEVER i am too epic to die

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we still have the concept of "boxes" today because they had to switch banks on the game boy

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i used to wonder why pokemon gen 1 made you save to switch active boxes

then i learned how to do some game boy development

jesus fucking christ they're switching banks. oh my god

so now that i have my fancy new pc, one of the next big investments i want to make at some point is vr. does anyone have any recommendations to make for how to navigate the vr device market? i am kind of clueless about this

(dankpods voice) there's dungus! it's smokin' at dungus!!!

f(x,y) = (((-(-x)) & ((~x) ^ (21 & x))) % (((8 & y) + (~x)) / ((8 | y) | (x - y)))) % 13

Extent: 256x256 (scaled x2)

"Onebit" colouring scheme.

Felt the need to add a new sticker to my set and try my best to not cut any corners whatsoever making it

I made ten tiny retrocomputers. It was good fun.
They're for sale here:
Because I have no room in the workshop.

being a lawn ornament is the natural right of all dragons

to do list 

- try out pyglet for desktop toy development
- set up nesdev environment, write about it
- set up linux and file-sharing on old pc
- download/transfer music making assets to new pc
- clean my fuckin room
- install more stuff on the manjaro side of my new pc
- be the world's cutest typhlosion ✅
- maybe dust off one of my previous project ideas and try to work on it
- try one of the many new games i purchased or downloaded recently but haven't played yet
- install blender, learn to blend

Never bring an occam's razor to a chekhov's gunfight

Furries aren't oppressed for being furries, but the reaction to them is tied to their association with non normative gender and sexuality. Yes there are straight furries and it's not all about sex, but an investment in the fandom bucks typical gender buckets of what adults, especially adult men, should enjoy.

We're seeing a lot of backlash at "cringe" self expression on fedi lately, but fuck that shit. uwu harder. Furry hate is a dog whistle - it's a socially normative way to start heading down towards queer hate with some delightful respectability politics.

Personally, I like vaccines and the Internet.


(free boops and head pats are available for those who are running low)

I have quite a long way to go on this one. But in the meantime, here's a fox.

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