interview thingy
SO what came out:
Apparently my character is charming? I'm mostly one of those people who everyone likes, but nobody remembers their name.
Also I priced myself too high (well, they wanted me to say what I think my work is worth, not what they assume it is worth or anyone actually pays)
But what they need isn't what I do, there are methods to get it, but blegh.
Not really interested.
interview thingy
If you are unemployed and below 30 here you're forced on a course to learn how to make resumés and they seriously tried to convince me to put "I know how to use a coffee maker" on my CV... as an electronics engineer... there's a reason I refer to those things as idiot courses. ^-^;;
interview thingy
That's something he wanted to see there though, which is yeah
interview thingy
It is relevant if you're applying to a caféteria or something, but not as an engineer. Always take it with a grain of salt.
interview thingy
I think API is okay, it just reminded me of that ridiculous example.
interview thingy
*Wags proudly* ^-^ ❤
interview thingy
@ulvra Pupper is a good pupper 💜