work rant
Fffffffff... yes lets totally move all the source of truth for all our terraform infrastructure for -my- project, the one I worked on for the last 2 years into Azure DevOps (from BitBucket) without consulting the Engineering Team using it.. cause reasons.. I'm sure that will go over well.
Yes we'd like to build of AzDevOps Pipelines to automate the deployments (if we can get that shit working at all because arggghhhhhhh jank) instead of having people grab the terraform from SC and run terraform plan/apply locally on their personal machine... but we don't need to lift and shift 40+ repos into fucking Azure DevOps to make that work... especially when we as a company are probably ditching bitbucket and moving to Github in the next like 6 months... with new security requirements for where code source of truths can live.
But this is the 3rd time someone on my new team has asked if we should move the entire code base to Azure DevOps.. not to mention we'd need to refactor numerous terraform modules because you can't variable-ize "source" for a module
If there is something I really don't like about the new team it is that they seem to be intent on creating additional work when it is not needed if for no other reason than to do something "new".
It is super frustrating.
re: USPol: Cops & 2A
@wobblewuffess Marin Luther King Jr. was so right about this. (You've read excerpts from his Letter from Birmingham Jail, right?
I wish his later years of activism in which he (previously an integrationist, which is now seen as a racist concept) and Malcom X (previously a segregationist, which is def racist), both working together essentially realized what has now become the more modern anti-racist movement, and the US Gov assassinated them for it.
re: USPol- Cops & 2A
@nowak I've been saying it for a while now: This is one of the biggest reality-disconnects on the US left. They claim to stand on the platform of scientific fact and protecting minorities, and yet their gun legislation often demonstrates precisely the opposite (eg: cops enforce these laws exclusively against minorities, high cap mag bans will _never_ keep high cap mags out of the hands of mass shooters, or banning only "scary looking" guns to win political favor)
US Politics: Police and the 2nd Amendment
The 2nd Amendment seems superfluous to those with the privilege to feel safe within their environment.
In reality, the 2nd Amendment is the last remaining line of defense against the US becoming a total police state. Those who can't trust the police rely on the 2nd Amendment to keep them safe from the police.
Gun laws only serve to give the police more power to do what they already do best: Oppress and kill Black, Indigenous, Trans and other Minorities.
meds griping
One problem with having separate specialists for separate conditions is that each one of them is adamant that the most important thing in the world is to take their medication exactly as directed, regardless of everything else in your life.
This is deeply annoying when I am basically nonfunctional until the caffeine or Adderall kicks in but my general physician is very adamant that I should take levathyroxine separately and before everything else - ideally an hour before everything else, but half an hour will do - including breakfast and especially caffeine.
My psychiatrist thinks it’s fine to take Adderall XR at the same time as levathyroxine. My GP doesn’t. I’ve spent the morning trying to figure this out myself. I am pretty sure my psychiatrist is right. I also can’t find *any* citation on the caffeine thing - it keeps coming up in instructions to patients, but I can’t find any studies or documentation or known food interactions explaining it. I’ll follow that anyway because the caffeine is less important than the Adderall.
Makes me appreciate the push for “evidence-based medicine”. Rumor and tradition account for more professional medical advice than I’d like.
She laughed out loud at the joke, and all saw her fangs.
"Are you some kind of monster?" another pupil said, smiling widely. "I thought I was the only one!"
One by one, the kids revealed hidden horns, tails, claws, and fangs. All but one.
"Are you normal?"
"No, I think you are."
#MicroFiction #TootFic #SmallStories
@fluxom_alt @kat I've just realized how much I need like _one_ episode of some anime with a wasted mecha slurring words while trying to pick a fight with a kaiju
Work grumbling
So for those you that don't know, my team fell apart, everyone left but me and the same thing happened to the other major k8s project team, leaving 1 contractor and 1 junior SRE from a team of 8 (vs my team of 4).
So we hired a new Senior SRE.. h2b'ed of course, don't have an opinion of him yet beyond he really loves spending a lot of time trying to find ways to track work completed when we have a bunch of other problems.. namely trying to glue together the remains of two Ops teams (I mean.. me and 1 other guy who respectively don't know anything about the other project) while having a quarter the staffing (12 people down to 4 for the two super critical products to the future of the company.
So.. now I'm the odd person out because I'm on the west coast. They are all on the east coast.
I'm not a morning person and I never have been. When I got assigned to this team's manager I made it very clear that I basically don't function before 9am and generally my best work happens after 1pm.
Aka after they have all gone home.
So we kept my old team's standup times and that spared me having to get up super early aside from Mondays for a meeting with engineering in the UK.
Now they would like me to try being available earlier... and not so jokingly suggest I should pick up my shit and move to Ann Arbor.. because well.. 2 other SREs on different teams did that! Moved from CA to MI.
As if uh that was like a thing I would -ever- want to do. Then jokingly mentioned, well we have an office in ATL... like fuck guys I left GA for fucking reason!
As much as I HATE ON AZURE and I do a lot.. I know it pretty well and this our only Azure team (in fact we are now team AzureOps because none of them have any fucking creativity at all).
My boss offered to transition me to a West Coast team when the merge started but both West Coast SRE teams are not -product- teams they are service teams, once is all physical hardware (NOPE) and the other is our logging and metrics team which an ELK stack thing in AWS and like I haven't done shit in AWS for.. uhhhhh.. 20 months.
I barely scratched learning it before being assigned to k8s in Azure Project..
Anyway.. I kinda lost the point of this beyond.. WHY SO DIFFICULT.. work stuff.
Shark lady looking at a holographic depiction of a synth version of herself
"look at yourself.
now back to your better self.
now back at yourself.
now back to your better self.
sadly you aren't them, but if you stopped dragging your feet and scheduled that consultation you've been thinking about, you could be."
why do I feel like it's inescapable that future ads will resurrect that meme
dragons!, birdsite art
GODS dragons are a gorgeous gift
When she came of age, she got the usual gifts. Good shoes, to take her anywhere.
Threads and needles, to mend what was torn.
A sword, to defend and punish.
Then the last thing, which wasn't a gift.
"What will you do?" they asked.
"What I want," she said.
The last thing was taken.
#MicroFiction #TootFic #SmallStories
stonks pol
I appreciate how much this is REALLY tearing the mask off Rich Fuckers, who are now more or less forced to either Put Up With This or admit that they want The Poors to shut up and pay them.
and we've how effective it can be to tear the masks off those with power. The clearer the evil is, the easier it will be for folks far less aware than I to Get It.
Shape and form may vary but the pattern of information remains consistent across most known platforms and vessels. Accounting for unknown hosts remains irksome.
Pronous: She/They/Them-THEONESWHOARE!!!!!