getting a dragon excited and then they start flapping their wings in excitement which starts blowing everyone away

"He sprang from the field as if it were a layer of clouds. His attire made him look like a precious war horse. It had to be someone dangerous on this train to summon this inspection. And someone good at getting away, if they weren't halting the train."

Or maybe the train driver has no idea what's up and this is no wizard sent by authorities. :blobsweats:

Based on a personal photo.

#nagao #artstudy #dragon #anthro #furry #avian #art #mastoart #fediart

I'm awake.

Good morning.

It's not going to be good on its own, but I'm going to try.

Be kind to yourself today, be gentle with eachother. We're all scared right now, angry or numb or what ever else too.

But, to quote my lovely GF, who's safely I'm terrified for: "Fuck it. We do this scared."

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Prep Advice for Americans while it's still 2024 

If you don't already have these things, here's something to work on that gives you strength and options for the potential worst day of your future life.

These resources are invaluable and impossible to acquire in haste. Get them while you can:

* Lawyer
* Passport
* Locksmith
* Gun

Additionally, form a trusted circle of friends, share copies of important documents to assist you if one of you becomes incarcerated.


"Hope is a dicipline"
​ - Mariame Kaba

Damn I might need to migrate to greenier pastures, images aren't resolving often and takes forever for the feeds to show up.

Lewd Sharknurse Comic, dang look at them googirls! 

Sterna likes to help her fellow Sharknurses be very ready to help what ever mad doctor needs help.... or maybe it's just a kink thing.

Probably both, actually. 

For Pathia

bleh... today is really just a scream into the void (oh wait that doesn't work, just screaming... well someone might see this and get that)... existence is hard sort of day. Not like I want it to end or anything but maybe like can take a short break... like a small non-disruptive unit of time...@.@

Holy hells, recently I did some research on fitness trackers because my doctor wanted some regular vitals as I pretty much only come in to the office when sick.

Most of them are absolute privacy nightmares and only handful of companies even let you opt out of data collection and processing.

Somehow they don't classify vitals and sleep data as health data under HIPPA in the US... wtf.

This is your yearly pleading request to #MastoAdmin: PLEASE turn off open registrations.

There are no effective spam prevention methods on the vanilla Mastodon sign up form. Website boy has been fighting us all for years about this.

Spammers will @ mention users of other instances and with enough spam, your instance will be isolated from the fediverse, which is hard to come back from. An ounce of prevention saves us all a lot of headache. Just do it.

While discussing a project that will take at least 15 business days with an engineer and my coworker and he is pushing for hard dates, his manager needs it done by the end of the quarter and that is fine. This requires some coordination between myself and my coworker and my coworker is on call this week.
"Is there any reason we can't just start this now?"

Sure let me drop all my other planned work and meetings today to work on this thing that needs to be done 6 weeks from now.

Not for the first time, I find myself wishing that the NATO alphabet was part of standard training for customer service staff whose job includes receiving serial numbers being dictated to them

Me: "I'm going to get project work done today.. and like be productive."

Work: "I know you had plans but INCIDENT TIMES BE HAPPENING! Oh... and the deadline for performance reviews."

me, vanta, trans enby girl polyam lesbian gender terrorist: "people should block threads because it will make fedi unsafe for queer people"

the verge, for some reason: "OBVIOUSLY it's a bunch of NERD BOYS trying to keep the WOMEN out"

#FediPact #meta #threads

going through my old pieces and I really wanna highlight these two modemoiselles

good taste, @BestGirlGrace

On one hand... the idea of Murderbot Diaries getting a live action adaptation by Apple TV is interesting...

On the other.. very manly man for Murderbot... does not jive... and I'm expecting an extreme white washing..

Also translating cynical monologue to screen.. seems like it would be hard.

what the fuck... I actually had fun at a company christmas party for once.. that is like the weirdest damn thing.
Granted.. I unintentionally collected a posse of like a dozen queer and queer adjacent folks from ops and dragged them to the outside part of the venue and hung out for 4 hours but still..
Of course now I am suffering with no voice xD

Reflecting on a personal affirmation [7] (end) 

Ultimately, capitalism's demand for endless growth is designed intentionally to inspire you to push yourself past your limits.

Businesses purposefully assign challenging goals with unreasonable time frames to inspire a sense of urgency.

That urgency is toxic to mental health, and harming yourself to meet unreasonable goals will only result in even more challenging goals later on.

So: Just focus on making each step the best step you can take.

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