permanent dst, but starting the moment the bill is signed into law. president *checks notes* biden puts his signature on it and immediately turns the nist clock forward an hour. if it's still summer time when he signs, we get temporary double dst, rolling back to single in fall
wolfgang trying american food/drinks ep 6
"Argires snacks OUTRAGEOUSLY GOOD Utterly Addictive Cheddarcorn & Caramel" [sic]: 7/10 wow who knew synthetic orange colored american cheese works so well with caramel? was not expecting this. nice
wolfgang trying american food/drinks ep 5, tobacco
root beer barrel (??): 2/10 tastes like mouthwash + a room that has been tobacco smoked in; had to spit it out
420 mention (transportation and sidewalks)
and today i need to go to the dispensary on the other side of the interstate -- a 3 minute drive at worst -- but the state of sidewalklessness means i'll have to either: 1. walk 55 minutes through a scenic walking trail; or
2. take a bus that comes by once every hour for literally just 3 stops; or
3. take an uber/lyft whose driver will have to spend more time coming to pick me up than actually driving me; or
4. find a dispensary that could deliver to me at the hotel when i don't have a local cell phone number
did you know? cars turning right on red lights does NOT have to be normal! did you know 2? cars turning left and right when pedestrians have a green light next to them does NOT have to be normal! did you know 3? dark unlit roads with giant interchanges that have absolutely no sidewalks do NOT have to be normal!
wolfgang trying american food/drinks ep 4
tater tots: 1/10 this is the worst thing that could have been done to these poor potatoes; the only redeeming quality of this food is that it is, technically, potatoes
+, re: -
crisis averted: i spent 20 minutes finding and translating a paragraph of some linguistics paper for a friend, i ate, and i was specifically told by a staff(?) member that they're happy to have me here
wolfgang trying american food/drinks ep 3
club sandwich (?) from seven eleven: 6/10 surprisingly good! went back for another one today after getting one last night; a bit weird how i'm expected to eat it double-stacked? not sure my mouth is big enough for that so i just had it as two regular halves and two open sandwich halves lol
wolfgang trying american food/drinks ep 2
fries from five guys: 4/10 possibly my least favorite kind of fries. back home i know these as "soggy fries that you get at cheap falafel places". however they are edible and better than nothing and their menu even said how many calories are in them. also the smallest size is basically what i'd consider to be large
i'm a weird lil dogo and this is where i sadpost