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not following Media anymore is great because you get to walk around outside and suddenly find out from a billboard that there's a Gran Turismo movie with the tagline "FROM GAMER TO RACER"

Ahhh im feeling so scoglepilled... While i enjoy the newest video game [checking wikipedia] Starcraft. Its so Nased (New Based)!

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i don't keep up with anything at all anymore because everything makes me anxious. so i need someone to tell me any hot new slang from the past year. and terms that are good and chill to use. "Scogled up" is my guess for one

👇 look of a stupid animal unaware they will be forced to move around

politics is full of drama and honestly it's toxic as hell..

for the record this is the least ban-worthy person ever in case anyone suspects i'm mad that @RacismPostsGuy is being Censored. i imagine it was a mass-blocking thing

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went looking for old mutuals. only fell back to this instance because i still had an account. i gotta figure out this activitypub thing

"birb" "doggo" "yeen" thes aren't real animals. you can't trick me. i know every animal and i would have heard if they came out with a new one

U idiots... u were meant to be on TWISTER this whole time. Not that web site. You are not sufficiently entangled

watching dragging ball. this little monkey kid is crazy lol

getting charged £230 for missing a routine appointment because it was in-person and i thought it'd be over the phone like every time prior 👍

Wow. Already a month since i made bidscit of gragy. How time flies..Here's to many more

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[man approaches me taking my trash out]
him: excuse me have you got 20p
me: oh i don't have my wallet on me
him: oh sorry i thought you were a female

the person denying me the ability to obtain photo ID: you don't need photo ID anyway, a lot of people get by fine without it

me, was just denied buying medicine when i was sick because i didn't have photo ID: i see

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