@Ronja@witches.town From 9 cards, you have but one master, and it is a void. You are unbeholden. This journey is nobody's but your own. Its position directly on the right implies that this is a page to come, and opposed to the the Edge of Myths, tells me that your journey is one of breaking free of the sadness in your heart. Masks play a powerful role in your life, the hero that applies pressure from above, perhaps someone you seek to aspire to be. Perhaps the inner vision of self.
@Ronja@witches.town The forgotten's place is interesting, being cardinally south of the center card tells me that it is foundational. Perhaps this represents an internal feeling, a desire built into your psyche from long ago.
Taking all this together, my read on what's going on here is that the kitsune self you seek is obtainable with persistence and time. The only Blades Card is clear. Seek to free yourself from all masters, and have patience. Your journey may be a long one, but it is possible