ageplay, extreme weight gain, teasing
Being large enough that the entire school needs to be remodeled to accommodate, classrooms being given extra large doors, having a special board given just to me to use in place of a desk to have a firm surface to write on... Having the entire school needing to redefine tardiness, because I block hallways, and can't get to class in the alotted time anyways...
fat kink thoughts, acceptance, microstory
Inviting me over for a sleepover sounds fun, but I'm not sure there'll be enough room. You suggest that I just be the bed. As bashful as that idea makes me, I really can't see any other way to resolve the issue of the space I take up. Thank you for accommodating me~
6 pounds of sugar, 1 quart of half and half, 3/4 pounds of butter, 1 pound of unsweetened/baking chocolate. Woo!!
@JulieSqveakaroo I saw this and it made me think of you for some reason~
The solstice begins
The winter's sins
Our sun will hardly climb
When night seems long
And the moonlight song
Goes far past it's time
Its nights like these
Despite our pleas
That darkness seems to cling
But the moonlight pale
Will part the veil
So with the moon we sing
The moonlight song
Where all belong
Within its verse and rhyme
Not dark nor bright
The pale moon's light
Paints us all sublime
@JulieSqveakaroo It's a sqveakaroo! Hallo sqveaks! :3
The biggest Drabunny you've ever seen. Furry, Trans-F, kink-positive, fat-IRL + Fat-kink.
She/her pronouns