"and then we're going to line first class up against the wall.." #outofcontext
travel +
Snorkeling summary: HOLY FUCK
Night snorkel with 6!? manta rays. Who btw have no concept of "personal space" so they came within inches of us repeatedly. (and kept running into each other lol)
It was also a near private tour, just us and two others
pics tomorrow, tonight is shower then flop @.@
travel +++
ok no pics yet
Today was a late start so we "only" hiked a high altitude forest along the saddle road (gorgeous), visited an active volcano and set the telescope to marvel and share (amazing) and drove up a second volcano to park at 9000 feet and stargaze
that last was...words fail. we didn't expect much with the clouds, but we got through them and were treated to the most amazing landscape even before getting to the visitors center
and then SO MANY STARS. and moon and planets and!
travel +-
The downside of the Mauna Kea visitors center drive though- other people didn't understand "turn off your headlights", blinding us repeatedly. It was cold, and the air was so thin. Just walking to the visitors center was a chore at first!
and the drive to/from was TERRIFYING. Steep enough that pedal to the floor got me 40 on the way up, idiots kept riding my ass on the way down. and the rental had shit wiper blades
but the stars...! I saw the milky way even, faintly
travel, photo
(I'm just gonna use this for vacation stuff so you all can skip it if you want)
rainier peeking above the clouds! kind of a hard shot it was behind us and to the left.